Monday, September 20, 2010

48 hours in

Hey everyone, I’m writing from Lome, the capital of Togo. I’ve only been here for about 48 hours, but it feels like a week or more.

Highlights of our trip from Philadelphia to Togo include passengers on both our flights requiring medical attention (they were okay) and all of the Peace Corps trainees forming a small shanty camp in the Charles de Gaulle terminal, with 5 or 10 people passed out on the floor at all times.

We’ve spent most of the past two days getting immunizations for things like typhoid and rabies, learning about malaria and petty theft, and acquiring essentials like buckets, toilet paper, and chamber pots. In the Peace Corps, as they say, every fart’s a gamble.

We also had a great welcome party with all 29 trainees, a lot of the staff, some current volunteers, and the US ambassador to Togo. Current volunteers were hungry for information about pressing stateside topics like Justin Bieber’s mystifying popularity. Sadly, I could provide no answers.

So far, things couldn’t be better. Everyone is incredibly nice, the weather, while humid, is wonderful, and we’ve been fed super well. For those of you that are worried about me, I’ve been ensured that Togo is a safe place, with no terrorism, no organized crime, and nothing that can’t be avoided with a little common sense. As long as I remember to take my daily malaria drugs (ladies, I now know your struggle), don’t wander alone late at night, and watch out for motos frantically dodging potholes, I should be better than fine.

I’m safe, happy, and very, very busy over here. My training village has no electricity, so you might not hear from me for a bit, as we’re meeting our host families and moving in on Wednesday. Until the next time, enjoy football season and being able to veg out on the couch for me.

Du courage!


  1. Wow! Sounds great! Make sure to have lots of posts about cultural curiosities - those are the best.

    As for stateside, San Fran is beating New Orleans on Monday night for some reason, and a kid kept accidentally calling me "fool" today, as in "I know, I'm trying fool!!!!". So that was neat.

    May your mosquitos be sterile, and your toilet paper double-ply.

  2. It sounds like college all over again. :)

  3. Togo sounds safe, and more importantly, hilarious! What a relief! Keep enjoying, Ben.

  4. Ben! So fun to get an update. Have fun!! Can't wait to hear more about your family/village/food intake and output/etc!

  5. Hey Ben,
    The family sends well wishes. Waiting for the next installment! We're so glad you are healthy, happy and enjoying the start of this great adventure!
