Friday, July 30, 2010

Who? What? Where? When? Why?

Hi, everybody! Welcome to my blog!

If you're reading this, you've probably got all sorts of questions about me, the Peace Corps, and many other relevant topics, so I thought I'd break the ice with a little Q&A.

Q: Who are you?

A: I'm Ben Conway. I grew up in Seattle, WA. I'm a recent graduate of Pomona College, where I majored in Environmental Analysis, with a focus in geology. I like basketball and cats, among other things.

Q: What are you doing?

A: I'm joining the Peace Corps! My assignment is to promote the smart use of natural resources like forests, soil, and deep-water oil fields. (Just kidding about the last one.)

Q: Where are you going?

A: I'm going to Togo, a small West-African country located here:

Q: When are you going?

A: I'll be leaving for Togo in mid-September. One term of Peace Corps service is about 27 months, so I should be finishing up in early December of 2012, a couple of weeks before the apocalypse.

Q: Why are you going?

A: First of all, it's going to be an adventure. Second, though I won't be making much money, I'll be putting my $200,000 education to use where it's needed most. (Take that, parents!) I'm also excited to meet new people, learn new languages, and take nightmare-causing antimalarial drugs.

All said, I couldn't be happier with my assignment, and I'm very, very excited to go to Togo.


  1. Ben!!! I am so looking forward to keeping up with your blog! Can't wait to hear more.

    Also - which ant-malarial drugs will you be on? God, I took Mefloquine when I was traveling in the Amazon and it was tramautizing...

    Take care,
    Angela Nguyen

  2. Good first post. A+. I'm glad you'll be online for your time there; I'll be following along!

    Sweet phone message by the way, I liked it.
