If you're reading this, you've probably got all sorts of questions about me, the Peace Corps, and many other relevant topics, so I thought I'd break the ice with a little Q&A.
Q: Who are you?
A: I'm Ben Conway. I grew up in Seattle, WA. I'm a recent graduate of Pomona College, where I majored in Environmental Analysis, with a focus in geology. I like basketball and cats, among other things.
Q: What are you doing?
A: I'm joining the Peace Corps! My assignment is to promote the smart use of natural resources like forests, soil, and deep-water oil fields. (Just kidding about the last one.)
Q: Where are you going?
A: I'm going to Togo, a small West-African country located here:

A: I'll be leaving for Togo in mid-September. One term of Peace Corps service is about 27 months, so I should be finishing up in early December of 2012, a couple of weeks before the apocalypse.
Q: Why are you going?
A: First of all, it's going to be an adventure. Second, though I won't be making much money, I'll be putting my $200,000 education to use where it's needed most. (Take that, parents!) I'm also excited to meet new people, learn new languages, and take nightmare-causing antimalarial drugs.
All said, I couldn't be happier with my assignment, and I'm very, very excited to go to Togo.